In Due Time

Romans 5:6 says, "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."

At just the right time is when God does his best work. We may be waiting anxiously for the letter from the college saying our child has been accepted or denied, we may be waiting for our Christmas bonus to buy the gifts on layaway. Whatever it is, it seems that there is the potential for an indeterminate amount of wait time. For me, it's waiting the birth of our fourth child (officially due on 11/11/11).

But the most important timing for God was when he sent Jesus to be our Savior. I'm sure there are many reasons for why Mary was chosen and that evil King Herod was in power during that time. God did not have a backup plan for when he'd become flesh and dwell among us. No, "it was just the right time, when we were still powerless."

Maybe that is the key to waiting for God's timing: being powerless. Being in the state of total dependence on Him and knowing that he will do what he does best at just the right time.

What are you waiting on? Deliverance for your teenager from a bad relationship? The birth of a child, or the completion of the adoption? A phone call telling you that the job you need is being offered?

God has a plan. And it is for good, not for evil. The secret to peace and joy in the waiting is in complete trust that God's timing is perfect. In those troubling and unsettling times when our hopes are dashed and the deadline has sped by without an answer; that too is an answer as difficult as it is to hear it.

Finally, dear Readers, remember that all things work together for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). Take this scripture to heart and trust the One who loves you best.


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