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Emotions for Evangelism, Helpful or Harmful?

Photo by Tengyart on What moves people to change is pain. There is a timeless experience that the Bible addresses. All people have a deficit that allows pain to be real, and genuine relief to be experienced in Christ. Unlike the modernist question, "Is it true?' postmodernists are going to ask, "Does this work?" (p. 77). Emotions are not evil, and in my opinion, there are often concerns that certain denominations are too emotional. There is a balance to be had between head and heart. What motivates Christians is the goodness of God to send Jesus for our sins. What keeps them in it is the knowledge that "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (NIV, Romans 5:8).  Salvation is both a change of mind and heart. For a self-disciplined person, the heart follows the mind, but how many in today's culture are able to set goals with the mind and keep them going once the heart is no longer "i

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