God Morning
Psalm 46:5 God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
Starting my day off with God has been the defining moment for the rest of the day. Even if it is a conversation with my Creator in the shower, and whispered prayers for my friends while I make lunches for the kids, it's what my soul needs.
My thoughts aligned with His, my heart aligned with His and my attitudes... need I go on? Yes, my attitudes also, aligned with His. Later on, I will realize that He's provided time for me to sit down with the Bible, time to clean what needs it, and time to make the necessary phone calls and emails to connect with those dearest to me. Other things that aren't important for that day seem to find their place the following day, and I am relaxed to know God has even the unpredictable days under control.
To everything there is a season, and God knows what I need for each of those seasons. It's a matter of having a "God" morning.