Praying for Your Prodigal

There is a parable Jesus tells of a father who had two sons. The eldest son did what was expected. The second son did not. This story sounds a lot like your family story, too, I'm guessing. When there are two (or more) kids in the family, it is inevitable that one will be a model child compared to the other. Birth order is not a given, but often falls into this category; firstborn = parent pleaser, second born = not. Jesus knew this was a common issue. Hence, the story of the Prodigal Son was born (pun, intended).  

Most of my readers will know the end, but I'll recap. Jesus' story comes to the apex moment when the second born son, who blew through his inheritance money like your cousin's last trip to Reno, came home. He was all ready to give his dad a long speech about how sorry he was and how he deserved to be treated as a servant. However, this second born is embraced. Not only did his dad forgive him, but the son is treated as if the trip to Reno earned him a four-year degree from Harvard. 

The point is, we have to allow our adult child to return under his or her own volition, repentant from their time being miserable away from love. We cannot go after them, we cannot try to manipulate them into better options for their life. This feels like terrible parenting advice, but those who have been there know it is true. All we can do is...


Stormie O'martian said in her book, The Power of a Praying Parent, ""Whenever you pray for your child, do it as if you are interceding for his or her life – because that is exactly what you are doing. Remember that while God has a perfect plan for our children’s lives, Satan has a plan for them too. Satan’s plan is to destroy them, and he will try to use any means possible to do so: drugs, sex, alcohol, rebellion, accidents, disease. But he won’t be able to successfully use any of those things if his power has been dissipated by prayer."

Do not give up, keep up the hard work of interceding. When you run out of words use Scripture. This is a sample on how to pray according to God's Word. Fill in the blanks with your prodigal's name. Then later today, try it with the Bible before you and the Holy Spirit within. Pray. And when you run out of words be silent. When you run out of inspiration, invite others to pray with you. 

I believe that God is faithful to answer prayers in faith. When your prodigal comes home, they should not be shamed for falling into sin. The guilty conscience is a terrible thing. They should be allowed to repent and if there are steps of restoration, you can walk alongside them as the process begins. As we have been forgiven, so also should we forgive. Jesus is our model for this and the Holy Spirit will give us wisdom on how to let go of the blaming and move forward in freedom.  

Sample for praying the scriptures:

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify ________ through and through. May his/her whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls ________ is faithful and he will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 

May the Lord direct ________ heart into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance. 2 Thessalonians 3:5 

And the God of all grace, who called ________ to his eternal glory in Christ, after he/she has suffered a little while, will himself restore ________ and make him/her strong, firm and steadfast. To [God] be the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 5:10 

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