A Prayer Worth Praying

As a little girl, one of my favorite songs was based on a Psalm 17:8. I did not know what it meant, only that it was a funny thought to my young mind. And like certain songs that get inside you, this one never left. I sang it over my babies when they were little, toddlers on their way to bed, and now I pray it over my teenager headed to college. 

Keep me, Jesus, as the apple of thine eye
Hide me under the shadow of thy wings
Keep thy hand upon me 'til I die
Keep me, Jesus, as the apple of thine eye

One thing to note besides the strange idea of an apple in an eye is the "olde timey" language of the song. This gives you a hint that searching for the scriptural reference cannot be New Living Translation. It must be one of the more literal translations. Here is Psalm 17:8 from New King James:

Keep me as the apple of Your eye;
Hide me under the shadow of Your wings,
From the wicked who oppress me,
From my deadly enemies who surround me.

As I have been praying scripture over my teenager, yesterday I prayed, "Lord Jesus, keep ____ as the apple of your eye. Hide them under the shadow of your wings."  It reminded me how strange the imagery was when I was a child, yet, holds a beautiful meaning. 

Before curious scientists poked around, the common belief was the pupil was a solid ball. The "apple" of the eye, is the center, and must be protected. The pupil also symbolizes the center of focus. 

What we focus on can be Godly or ungodly, or a less dramatically, that which we prioritize and protect.  I remember reading about a child being considered the "apple of her father's eye" as in, she is cherished and precious. She is her dad's center of attention. 

The Psalmist may be asking, "Help me to not stray away, so that I am protected, cherished, and find my belonging in you." He goes on to ask specifics for the protection from his enemy's oppression. Covered by God as the wings of a bird protect her chicks. This is a prayer worth praying and a song worth singing! 

photo found on unsplash.com


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