
I'm still here, Faithful Readers. We had a huge youth fundraiser on Sunday for which we've been preparing for a few months, I'm 15 weeks pregnant now (surprise!), and lots of sick days here at the house.

The great news is, God is still on His throne, I can rest in His care and He will provide for all our needs according to His glorious riches. What scripture promises do you stand on when life gets out of your hands?

[Maybe I've shared this before:] There was a young woman going through some serious trials in her life, loss of job, loss of home, husband's lost job, etc. and I asked her if she had a scripture she held onto during these uncertain times. "Yes," she replied, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change..."

Dear Readers, the beautiful poems that we read that may encourage us for our trials, must not be mistaken for God's Word. The stories of people who have seen heaven (which I just finished "Heaven is For Real," a wonderful book) should not be mistaken for your experience of reading Revelation and "seeing" heaven for yourself. The movies of Christ and His life of sacrifice and dedication cannot be a trade for actually reading about Him in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Don't take someone else's experience replace the Word of God, let it enhance your growing knowledge. And by-the-way, I'm struggling with this myself. I have read so many wonderful, encouraging books the past two weeks that I've gotten away from digging into the only Book that will last for eternity.


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