Mini-Easter Sermon

It is still Resurrection Sunday, although the clock says ten minutes to 11 p.m. It was a good day at our church (like thousands of other churches), although no one came running up the aisle to fall at the altar in repentance. However the message of the cross was preached in a way that won't soon be forgotten.

We are given three choices when face to face with our sin and our Savior.
1. Repentance-for those far from God.
2. Renewal- for those who just need a fresh anointing.
3. Running- but be aware, God will get you-either this side of eternity or the other.

Of course this was the shortened version, Happy Easter!

Mighty is the Power of the Cross
by Chris Tomlin

Mighty, awesome, wonderful
Is the holy cross
Where the Lamb laid down His life
To lift us from the fall
Mighty is the power of the cross

Verse 2:
What restores our faith in God?
What reveals the Father's love?
What can lead the wayward home?
What can melt a heart of stone?
What can free the guilty ones
What can save and overcome?


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